I’ve had many spiritual encounters. These were real events that actually happened. They gave me a great deal of knowledge. The purpose of this website is to share my knowledge.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The truth and nothing but the truth are easy, but the whole truth is difficult — we usually hold something back. In describing these events, I’ve undertaken to hold nothing back.
A few of the events took place when I was awake. But most of them took place during the night when I was asleep. This means my physical body remained asleep, but I woke up in conscious mind and experienced the events with full awareness. In most cases I woke up in body straight away — as soon as the event was over — but in a couple of cases I continued sleeping and woke up only in the morning.
Sometimes I met a very high entity; sometimes I met a low entity, and sometimes I met no entity. I’m never told the reason for the event, so although I know what has happened, I don’t know why it happened. There’s one exception to this — the angel’s visit. Although the angel didn’t tell me why it had come, I realized the reason immediately.
Three of the events required being raised to a heavenly state. In that state, we have no fear and no ego. I also think we have no opinions.
It’s very unusual for a spiritual event to involve another person. There were, however, a few events that did involve another person, so they were shared events. In fact, these events were only possible because the other person was with me.
Several events involved hearing a voice. When we hear a voice, we hear it with our spiritual ear, not with our physical ear.
Spiritual experiences are not religion-bound. You can argue that experiences involving Christ or Mary are bound to the Christian religion, but I don’t agree with that. Those entities represent a far greater authority.
And finally, the importance of keywords: I’ve tried to use words that other people will use when searching for information on these same topics. Almost every spiritual event will be non-unique; other people will experience the same event and will search for information on it. I’ll give you an example: I’ve used the word “apparition” when describing the Lesser Guardian, because that’s the keyword people will be searching with after they, too, meet this entity. They likely won’t know who or what the entity is and can’t search for it by name.
Rosemary Flory (aged 68)
Austria, 1 August 2024
Postscript: I resisted the temptation to use AI to improve my writing style, so these are all my own words.