Seeing the garden of spiritual flowers

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Major events > Seeing the garden of spiritual flowers

The event

Time:  During the day
Date:  1980 or 1981
Place:  IIASA’s restaurant, Laxenburg

I was 24 or 25 years old. A co-worker joined me for lunch, sitting close to me. We made eye contact and in the next moment, we both saw each other’s spirit, or perhaps it was each other’s soul. We didn’t see the entire spirit or the entire soul, but a part of it — what we saw resembled a garden of perfect flowers, in full bloom with all their different colours. These were not actual spiritual flowers; they were something that exists only in spirit, and so we can’t describe them in the physical world. The closest we can come to describing these spiritual things is to call them flowers.

The beauty of these flowers was exquisite. They were, each one, perfect — and yet as we know, perfection doesn’t exist in this physical world. This was an otherworldly moment. It lasted a few seconds. Not only could I see my co-worker’s “garden” but also my own; I saw my own “flowers”. I’m sure that my co-worker could see both his and mine, too.

I saw that my garden was bigger than my co-worker’s; I mean that I had more flowers. You see — I would have preferred to keep that to myself, but I can’t, because I’ve undertaken to hold nothing back.

I couldn’t count the number of flowers that I was seeing.

The takeaway

We think we can’t see spiritual perfection in this physical world, but we can — in a moment like this.


There is a background here, and I do know it, but it’s too private to explain fully. I knew the other person in a previous lifetime. Not only did we know one another previously — I dare say, in addition to that, that we also met again in the spiritual world after we both had died, and then we met yet again in this lifetime.

Thoughts and theories

Were these perfect flowers our open chakras? We liken our open chakras to blossoming lotus flowers. But then, in that case, I wouldn’t have more than my co-worker.

So why was my garden bigger than my co-worker’s? I theorize it’s because I’ve lived more lifetimes than he has, although not many more.

And how do people get all these exquisite flowers? My theory is that we accumulate them from our many lifetimes. Are they perfect right from the start? I didn’t see any that were less than perfect. This perfection is bestowed on us; we can’t create it ourselves. This proves that we have a spark of divinity in us. We’re not purely human; a very small part of us is divine.

And how could I see my own garden, as well as my co-worker’s? Well, it was somehow possible for me to see what was in me, at the same time as seeing what was in front of me.

Why doesn’t this happen more often? Why doesn’t everyone have such a “perfect garden” moment? Others must have sat next to a person whom they’ve known in a previous life. Surely it must be a frequent event! Another thing — my co-worker isn’t the only person I’ve met in this lifetime whom I’ve known in a past lifetime. I know a very small number of such people. But I’ve never had the “perfect garden” moment with any of the others.

These exquisite gardens does it mean that we’re both saintly? Hahaha, no! Neither one of us is saintly. I would say, however, that we’re both old souls.

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