Meeting the totem cats

The event

Time:  During the night
Date:   1977
Place:  My private two-room suite on the 5th floor of the Bourne & Hollingsworth staff hostel, “Warwickshire House”, 60 Gower Street, London

I was 20 or 21 years old. I was asleep. I woke up in mind, although not in body. I found myself in a heavenly place, on some kind of perfect plane. It was completely dark. Far in the distance was a rotating ball of stars. As I looked at the ball, small stars began to fly out of it and form into groups. The groups began to take on the outline of cats. The cats started coming toward me. The nearest cat came closer and closer and reached me, followed by second and a third. The first cat passed me on one side, down by my feet. It looked up into my eyes and communicated something to me. The second cat reached me and passed me on the other side, likewise communicating something directly into my eyes. The third cat reached me and passed on the first side – so they were passing me on alternating sides – and it, too, looked directly into my eyes. They were telling me something. I absorbed what they were telling me straight into my subconscious mind; their message bypassed my conscious mind.

While this was happening, many more stars had left the rotating ball and were forming into cats, just the outline of cats. I could see the fur bodies of the cats, but their outlines were stars. They were all going to come toward me, that was the pattern, but no more than the first three actually covered the distance before the event ceased. I went back to sleep.

In the morning, fully awake, I wondered what the cats had communicated to me. I wondered where I had been — where was that spiritual plane? Many years later it occurred to me that the dark plane, the heavenly void, was the space in front of my closed eyelids.

Dilys Gater, a Welsh medium whom I’ve met personally, talks of totem animals in her book, Celtic Wise Woman. She says that totem cats were considered, in the past, to bring bad luck because of their ability to give forewarnings. She also says some very positive things about the totem cat.

Be all this as it may, the cats were beautiful.

The takeaway

Totem animals exist. They’re spiritual entities and they have a function.



Thoughts and theories

The cats did indeed herald a negative event — the “information campaign” that would start five years later and be repeated many times over many years. I cover that topic under “The slow, cumulative change to my spiritual body”. The first three cats, so I theorize, told me of three group events that would later materialize in this campaign. All the other cats in the background that didn’t reach me told me of events in the campaign that had an individual nature. Such is my theory.

And why the heavenly plane? Why not a normal plane? The higher spirit world determined this. When we’re in a heavenly place or state, we have no ego — but I don’t know why it was necessary for me to have no ego during this event.

And why did it have to be so dark? So that the stars would be visible. But here again, I don’t know the significance of the stars. Why were the cats outlined by stars?

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