Being summoned to a séance

The event

Time:  During the night
Date:   Most likely the summer of 1977
Place:  The starting point was my private two-room suite on the 5th floor of the Bourne & Hollingsworth staff hostel, “Warwickshire House”, 60 Gower Street, London

I was the spirit summoned to a séance. I was around 21 years old. I was asleep; I came to consciousness in mind but not in body. I found myself being transported through the air by a white entity. The entity was a very beautiful spirit. His visible form was that of a large white bird. He carried me on his back.

Oh dear. I hope I haven’t lost you all at this point. Flying on the back of a bird? How ridiculous! It’s a bedtime story for children! No, in fact it isn’t. This “ride” was the spiritual suggestion of a ride, not a physical ride. Being spiritual, there was no balance act necessary, no air resistance, no cold night air.

So there we were, travelling — actually flying — through the night. This was presumably my astral spirit that was flying. Although we were in the air, we hugged the earth, keeping very close to every object we were flying over. I remember passing over treetops, hugging the treetops with very little space separating us. I remember rooftops. When there was nothing high to fly over, we flew very low to the ground.

Finally we reached our destination, a big red-brick building with white windows. The building had a wing, a green lawn. We “flew” across the green lawn, very close to the grass and up to the first floor (or second floor, if you’re American). We stopped at the window, which I think was closed. Or it might have been open. Without hesitating, I moved through the window into the room.

A group of people were there. They were all sitting on the floor (if I remember rightly) except for the leader, a woman, who was sitting in a chair. This woman had a pleasant face, a long face. I would say she was average height, or perhaps even tall. She was probably in her 40s. She greeted me immediately with words like, “Ah, there you are.” She seemed to be the only one who could see me. Her greeting was the last thing I remember.

I could see all the colours — the dark green of the tree tops, the bright green lawn, the red brick building, the white windows, and the whiteness of the bird. More of this below under Thoughts and theories.

I wasn’t raised to a heavenly state, and yet I seemed to have no ego — no will, no opinion. I was mentally like an infant, taking it all in and questioning nothing.

I could see, or knew, or recognized that the white entity had previously been a human soul. I don’t know how I could see this, but I could see it — I could see that his origins had once been human. I longed to stay in the company of this beautiful entity. I wanted to ask him if I could stay in his presence for ever, for surely he could make it possible — but I knew he would say “no”, so I didn’t ask ….

I wasn’t conscious the whole time: I missed the arrival of the entity when he came to pick me up. I recall nothing of my meeting with the group of people after the woman’s greeting, and I recall nothing of my journey back to Gower Street.

The takeaways

Such higher entities place themselves at the service of people.

Séances do work, provided the medium is genuinely gifted and receives group energy from her (or his) companions. But I’m speaking of a séance where the person summoned is currently living a physical life.


There may be a background here, but it’s private.

Thoughts and theories

I theorize that the entity was a White Brother, a member of the White Brethren. The White Brother chose his shape to fit the needs of the occasion. He chose the form of a bird, because he needed to transport me to the location of the séance. A White Brother doesn’t have wings, unlike an angel, so taking the form of a bird outfits him with wings. As far as I can remember, his wings didn’t beat. His form and his wings were purely symbolic, yet somehow necessary.

The séance group couldn’t summon me directly, because they didn’t know my name. They had reason to believe I was living a physical life and would be summonable, but they couldn’t call me by name. That’s why they needed the services of the White Brother. The White Brother had no trouble finding me. No matter what my name is, he can find me.

I was living in London at that time. Clearly the séance group had reason to believe (rightly) that I would be summonable at that time. They were expecting me. I give the medium all credit for this. She must have been very gifted, that she could have done such a piece of research.

I don’t know how the medium stood in relation to the White Brother. Was she aware of him? She saw my arrival. Did she see the white bird?

No doubt I was asked questions during the séance. By the time I left, the medium would know my name, and probably where I live, where I work, and other stuff.

I theorize that I made the journey back to Gower Street by myself; I didn’t need the services of the White Brother for that.

How could I see colours so clearly at night? I saw them as if it would be day time. Were there illuminations — street lights, or flood lights? Or — on the astral plane, which is presumably where I was — can we see colours without needing light?

The group was there to provide energy, I theorize. They couldn’t see or hear me, but they gave their energy to the woman, the medium, who could presumably both see and hear me.

Who wanted to meet me, and why? Does that person have a connection to me?

Finally, the group had a serious reason for summoning me; they weren’t acting out of curiosity. If a group of people tries to summon up a human soul, whose name they don’t know, out of sheer curiosity — no White Brother is going to help them.


The red-brick building, the wing, the white windows and the green lawn do exist. I saw them for a couple of seconds at the end of an episode of “Absolutely Fabulous”. Edina is sitting on the grass, on that very lawn, and behind her you see the red-brick wing. It’s the same wing. I recognize it. I don’t know the name of the building or where it is.

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