The heavenly dream, previewing next life with total recall

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Less major events > The heavenly dream, previewing next life with total recall

The event

Time:  During the night
Date:   Probably 1986
Place:  My flat at Tigergasse 5/2/5, Vienna

I was 29 or 30 years old. I was asleep. I began to have a “heavenly dream”. From start to finish, I was raised to a heavenly state. I was the only person in the dream who was in that state. No higher entity was involved.

I found myself on an aircraft, flying to a new place. It was one of the New England states — Connecticut, I think. During the flight, I saw everything that was going to happen to me upon my arrival and afterwards. My flight duly arrived and my life in this new place commenced. I retained a complete recall of everything that I had seen in the preview. Day by day, everything happened exactly as I had previewed it. I met the people whom I knew I was going to meet. I did the things I knew I was going to do.

This foreknowledge didn’t stop me from leading life normally — from having normal emotions, normal reactions to things that happened. This foreknowledge didn’t influence any of my decisions; it didn’t change anything.

Now, 40 years later, I have long ago forgotten all the details of the dream. The one thing I can still clearly remember is walking down a country lane and seeing, coming toward me, a couple with a big dog. The big dog started running excitedly toward me. I felt fear, as you would when a big dog runs toward you, even though I had seen all of this in my preview and had foreknowledge that the dog was friendly and I was in no danger at all.

The dream continued. I don’t think I saw the end.

When I woke up, I was struck by the similarity that the dream has with a new physical lifetime. The flight is the preparation, the period spent in the womb. The arrival of the flight is our birth, after which our new lifetime commences.

The takeaway

I can’t identify a takeaway that would be useful for others.


I can’t offer a background.

Thoughts and theories

My theory is that this dream depicted my own next life, that is, the early years of it. As I say in “About me“, I have seen portions of my next life.

I also theorize that this dream depicted Christ’s own situation: He saw everything before His life began (as we all do) but unlike us, He kept a full conscious recall of what He had seen1. For example, He knew that the loaves and fishes would be replicated. He knew that He would be able to walk across the water. He knew about Peter’s momentary faltering before the cock crowed. From the moment Christ was born to the moment He died, He consciously knew everything that was going to happen.

Did Christ mention this extraordinary ability to anyone? I haven’t read anything about it in the Bible.

What was the point of me having this dream? I say it’s so I learn about the matter and share my knowledge. If I’m right and it applied to Christ’s life, then the purpose could even be to throw some new piece of light on Christ’s life on earth.

Why was a heavenly state necessary? I say it’s because I had to be separated from my ego during this experience, and in a heavenly state I have no ego.

And finally, I call this a “dream” because I don’t know any other word for it. It wasn’t a dream; it was a spiritual state very similar to the one we’re in, I would say, when we’re in the spirit world.

  1. There’s one exception here that applies to me: When I came to Vienna to live in June 1978, I consciously remembered having previewed this event before I was born. I figured that since I had previewed this one event, I had previewed every event — my whole life — in the spirit world before I was born. Later I read Rudolf Steiner’s texts in which he says exactly that. ↩︎
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