The momentary possession

The event

Time:  Late at night
Date:   September or October 1982
Place:  Via Giulia No. 8, Trieste (my short-term rented flat on the courtyard side)

I was 26 years old. I had just gone to bed and fallen asleep, just seconds before. I suddenly shook myself awake. Strange thing to do — I was tired, it was late and I needed to sleep. I fell asleep again immediately. Straightaway I shook myself awake again. I couldn’t understand why I was doing this, and I fell asleep again, for the third time.

This time, I didn’t shake myself awake. Instead, I woke up to feel the presence of an evil spirit inside my body. The spirit had momentary control of my body. It used my windpipe to snort the air in and out, making a loud noise. It was exuberant. It snorted — I mean I did — several times. But I had “come back”, and it had to leave. It couldn’t stay in my body when I, the rightful owner, had come back again. The whole thing last about five seconds.

The spirit was purely evil. I wasn’t harmed by the experience.

The takeaways

Possession by evil spirits is a reality. Before this happened I thought there was no such thing, and that people who appeared to be possessed were actually having some kind of medical emergency, like an epileptic fit. I learned within five seconds that I was wrong.

I also learned from this event that when we fall asleep, our astral spirit leaves the body immediately. That’s why the evil spirit could enter my body immediately — I was no longer present.

I also learned that this kind of spirit, and probably every other kind, can be in the same room with us and we have no idea of their presence, unless they make us aware of it.


None that I know of, except to say that this happened in Italy, which is a strongly Catholic country. Perhaps spiritual activity, religious energy, is more prevalent there, but why should this attract base or evil spirits?

Thoughts and theories

When an evil spirit occupies a body, to what extent does it occupy the brain?

How can evil spirits live for a long time in some people’s bodies (or brains, rather)? How can the spirits remain in a person’s brain when the person is awake and occupying their own brain themselves? I can only theorize that some people those who remain possessed have a kind of hole or gap in their spiritual brain (not in their physical brain) that isn’t closed, and it allows evil spirits to enter and to remain.

And the brief possession of me why doesn’t it happen all the time and to lots of people? The evil spirit was delighted to occupy me for a few seconds. Why doesn’t it keep doing it, to me or to anyone else, just for those few seconds of delight?

Altogether, why do base or evil spirits want to occupy a human brain at all? Well, they’re squatters, and any place is better than the one they come from. Eventually, they get chased out.

But then why don’t they occupy an animal’s brain? Okay, it’s only an animal, but it would bring them into this physical world, which is what they want, and they wouldn’t get chased out. But it doesn’t happen — we never see an animal behaving as if possessed. It occurs to me, finally, that evil spirits can’t occupy an animal’s brain. They would gladly do so, but something blocks them.


It’s never happened again, neither in Italy nor any other place.

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