Hearing the commanding voice

The event

Time:  During the day
Date:  Early 2020
Place:  Room 236 in the Hotel Zentral, Hauptplatz 27, Wiener Neustadt

I heard a voice telling me to do it

I was 63 years old. I was in my long-term hotel room. I suddenly heard a voice telling me to do a wrong thing, to commit a crime. The voice seemed to be male, or otherwise genderless, and spoke without an accent. I heard the voice with my spiritual ear. I was deeply shocked and answered straightaway, “No! I’m not going to do that!”

The voice spoke with authority. It had the power to command. I was being commanded to do a wrong thing. In a state of shock I pushed the command away from me, ridding my mind of it altogether. Minutes later I couldn’t even remember what it was, I was in such haste to get rid of it.

Later on I was sorry I had gotten rid of the command, and I made a great effort to recall it. I did recall it, finally — it was to commit an act of stealing (as in shoplifting).

The takeaway

This commanding voice does exist. It belongs to a powerful entity and speaks with authority. This is no small matter. The entity has the right to expect obedience. An old soul will remain in control of themselves when they hear this voice, a younger soul perhaps not.


When I was a teenager living in Port Moresby, I was listening to the news on the radio. A local man had committed a crime at one of the Anglican Mission Stations. The magistrate asked, “Why did you do this?” The defendant replied, “I heard a voice telling me to do it.” I didn’t believe the defendant, yet I never forgot his words.

I’ve heard those same words twice again on the news. On each occasion the defendant was asked by the magistrate, “Why did you do this?” And each time the defendant replied, “I heard a voice telling me to do it.”

I began to accept that there really is such a voice, and people really do hear it, and it must be powerful, authoritative, because everyone seems to follow it. But why can’t people just say “No”? It’s their choice, isn’t it?

I started to wish that I could hear the voice, so that I could understand the situation.

Thoughts and theories

I’ve wished for years that I could hear that voice, and now I’ve heard it. It was a private wish of mine, never shared. Is this entity — powerful, travelling freely, speaking my language — able to see my thoughts? Yes, it seems so.

I’m too old a soul to do the bidding of this voice. So why did the entity take the trouble to speak to me? It knows I’m not going to do what it says. Was it wasting its time? No. It was letting me know it exists.

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Susannah Holiday
Susannah Holiday
2 months ago

A view … We all have a Being. Our Being is our higher consciousness, that part of us that remains in the spiritual world. The voice is exactly as you described it. More people all over the world are awakening to their spiritual life, their Beings.
About the ego … Egos do not want to die. They fight back. It feels as though they are beating you up. The further along on our spiritual path we are, it seems, the harder they fight for their survival. This is normal, we will be tested.
I had been on a yogic weekend retreat and on my way home I went to a bookshop. I suddenly felt my arm (energy) reach out, take a book with the intention of stealing it. It was so real and I felt shocked, horrified, by the experience. I left the store (minus the book) realising that it wasn’t safe to go from a retreat straight back into normal life.
It did take about 18 months to accept to call this voice my Being, it is your Inner Guru in yogic terms. Beings have a name, your true name, they can be seen in the astral, they will also talk to you in dreams using symbols.