After we die

What do we do in the spirit world after we die?

It’s like the Scots say, “Ye’re a long time dead.”

I have some theories ….

My favourite theory is that we get to see everything — we can go back in time, stay in the present, or go forward. We can go to every place. Where were the streets that Mohammed used to walk down? We can go back there and see for ourselves. Where exactly was that bodhi tree that Buddha sat under? We can go there and see for ourselves. Where was Christ’s body interred when he was brought down from the Cross? At that rocky outcrop outside the city wall? Or in the Garden Tomb? Nothing easier than going back there and seeing for ourselves.

We can go back to every one of our past lifetimes and return to any age in that lifetime. We can be young again. Joan Grant made a reference to this. Others have spoken of this, too.

Do we meet higher entities? Our spirit guides? I’m sure we do.

Another favourite theory of mine is that we can enter into an animal’s body. I like to think this is optional.

And yet another theory is that we have a house, a dwelling, just as we have in the physical world. Our house becomes more beautiful with each passing lifetime. One day I was driving along, blank-minded as usual, when suddenly I “saw” a mansion, not of this world but of another world. (I’m not calling this a spiritual moment, although it might have been one.) This mansion was my house. If this is my house in the spirit world today, what kind of house did I have when I was a young soul? Probably a lean-to made of sticks.

It’s all theories, people.

Then at some point, we get prepared for our next physical incarnation. If we are to live with a spiritual blessing in our next life, I don’t know how or from whom we receive it.

I think we must be very sad to leave the spirit world, but we agree to do it because we know that our souls must progress, and we progress only here in the physical world. This has also been said elsewhere, by others.

I see a conflict in the issue of time. Time doesn’t exist in the spirit world. But at the right time we get reincarnated. How can there be a right time? Perhaps it all hangs on events: When certain events happen in the physical world, then we get reincarnated. So we don’t speak of right time; we speak of events happening.

Again, after we die …

It’s critical for us to go properly into the spirit world after we die. We shouldn’t stay overly long here, close to the physical world. If we stay overly long, we lose our human logic. We develop what I call dog logic. You know what I mean: Someone else lives in my house now?! But I’m still living there! Get out! But they don’t get out, and you defend your home against them like the family dog. You know the sign, “Beware of the dog”. We need a sign, “Beware of the former owner, who thinks he still lives here.”

Also, if we stay here, we delay our next incarnation. I think some people have been staying here for centuries. This is stagnation to a supreme degree.

Another thing is ego. If we choose to stay here, close to the physical plane, we will keep our ego. Not healthy, not the way it’s meant to be. But if we move properly into the spirit world, we give up our ego. That’s the way it’s meant to be.


A tragic mistake. We have to deal with tough situations, if not in this life, then in another. I’ll paraphrase Angie Fenimore: She committed (unsuccessful) suicide. She had a near-death experience. She found herself on a spiritual plane, darkness everywhere. There were other human souls there. They were walking around in circles, muttering to themselves. They didn’t seem to be aware of anyone else. No way out. When does it end? My own theory is they’re stuck there for the term of their natural life.

The victims of murder

When people get murdered and they know who murdered them, why can’t they communicate this to someone in the physical world? It’s very strange. I can only come up with this theory: The murder victim isn’t authorized to share this occult knowledge. In the spirit world, people aren’t authorized to share occult knowledge with people in the physical world. Otherwise, mediums could be employed to contact the victims and get all the information. All murders could be cleared up. But it doesn’t work like that, as we know.

You can’t go properly into the spirit world?

Why do some people stay here after they’ve died? I can think of several reasons:

  • They don’t know they’ve died
  • They know they’ve died, but they don’t know what to do about it
  • They’re too frightened to go further, for fear of what might await them.

You can argue that these souls should be left alone. I argue that they shouldn’t be. They need help. Even if they’re happy to stay here, they shouldn’t be staying here — it’s in conflict with the purpose of the higher spirit world. So someone — probably a human soul who’s died themselves — might be tasked to go to these souls and to communicate with them, and to help them to leave properly. I’m not just thinking of “good” people who need help; even “bad” people need help — going back to my seven-year-old way of thinking.

A final thought: Some people who do visit, in spirit, their old haunts aren’t necessarily “stuck” here on a spiritual plane after death. These people are likely living a new physical life now, and when they’re asleep, they go back to the old place, to which they still feel some attachment ….

When does it all end?

At the end of our series of lifetimes as a human soul, we graduate. We become something higher, and we don’t come into the world in physical form anymore.

So what did Mary say to Bernadette?

The apparition of Mary told Bernadette something, a certain thing, and told her not to divulge it. I think I know what it was. Mary told Bernadette that her body would be incorrupt after death. How could it be incorrupt? Because Bernadette ate pieces of a green plant, at Mary’s instruction. The green plant passed through Bernadette’s digestive system. Those green pieces had been blessed by the higher spirit world.

And why should Bernadette not divulge this fact? So that people — morticians and church officials — wouldn’t be influenced by this and wouldn’t try to help matters along by embalming her. She does have a clear wax covering, so I believe, and she does have make-up on her face now, so I’ve read, because her skin was going dark — but these things are cosmetic and aren’t embalming.

What makes a saint?

I’ve heard you have to perform two miracles. Me, I have one simple requirement: You have to be incorrupt after death.

Sorry, people, but all those little finger bones in gold caskets in cathedrals — those weren’t saints — they’re not incorrupt. They were good people who did good things.

You’re incorrupt if everyone else in the cemetery is skeletonized but you’re still fully intact. As for me — I’m going to be reduced to a skeleton in three weeks, so don’t go down that road, people.

And what about the apostles? Well, Christ chose ordinary people, didn’t He? I don’t think He chose saints.

Later note: Since writing this I have remembered that I read in the Acts of the Apostles that the apostles also performed miracles, very much in the same way Christ did. That is the criterion for being a saint, so people believe. Oh, all right then, they were all saints. Have it your way.

Hell fire

The apparition of Mary showed those three shepherd children a very graphic picture of hell: Human souls, like waifs, were being snagged on pitchforks and thrust down into the flames below. The souls would rise up on the hot air and get snagged again and thrust down again.

My theory says — if you end up in hell, it isn’t the higher spirit world, not divine love that sent you there. It isn’t God’s almighty sword of justice. No, you did it yourself.

So IF, after you die — so long as you have the courage to go fully into the spirit world and don’t hang around here — IF you get carted off by entities who have a lurking evil and unquestionable authority, don’t call it divine punishment. It was you who arranged it.

What happened to Hitler after he died?

The nuns, so I’ve been told, pray for the salvation of souls, but the nuns say there are some souls they can’t help. Those are too far gone, too far beyond the reach of prayer.

Where are those unreachable souls? Are they in hell?

When Hitler went fully into the spirit world, what kind of reception did he have? Did he get collected by those entities? A thousand years in hell fire will be required for him to bring the scales into balance, where the good stuff (or the sympathetic suffering, as I call it) becomes so weighty that it matches the bad stuff.

I say “a thousand years”, so I’m measuring time in the spirit world. But as we know, or we think we know, there is no passage of time in the spirit world. So it’s a measure of something else, then — the amount of sympathetic suffering.

This isn’t God’s punishment. Divine love isn’t punishing. By his own hand, Hitler delivered himself up.

But even Hitler won’t be in hell forever. At some point, he’ll be within reach of prayers again.


You have to do terrible harm to end up in hell. Most human souls won’t ever go there. But for those who are there, I theorize that they don’t just suffer the pain of burning, they see every moment of the suffering they caused. I imagine they see it projected in front of their eyes. In the case of atrocities, the sheer volume of suffering is unimaginable.

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