
Rosemary Flory
The event Time:  During the dayDate:   February 2005Place:  At work, 22nd floor of the A-Tower in the VIC, IAEA, Vienna I was 48 years old. I was having an appraisal meeting with my boss. He said something of a personal nature. I had a moment of distress and began to breathe deeply and evenly, saying...
The event Time:  During the nightDate:   Mid-June 1979Place:  My flat at Praterstraße 47/3/3/12, Vienna This event followed immediately the “taking on” of my spiritual body from the short life that I lived in a fortified building on a hill. This event happened later in the same night. I had gone to asleep. I woke up...
The events 1st time:   Early nighttime, mid-June 19791st place:  My flat at Praterstraße 47/3/3/12, Vienna2nd time:  During the day, April 19852nd place: Between the Vienna metro station at Kaisermühlen-VIC and Gate 1 of the VIC Twice I’ve “taken on” my spiritual body from a past life, being two different past lives. First time: I was 23 years old. I’d...
Time:  During the dayDate:   Summer of 1985Place:  The hiking path between Heiligenblut and Franz-Josefs-Höhe The event I was lying on the grassy bank, resting in the sun with my eyes closed. I suddenly saw an image of a horizontal rod with two bulges. The bulges were at the two ends of the rod — one...
The events Time:  During the dayDate:   Two occasions: Probably spring and summer of 19851st place:  The Steiner family home in Brunn am Gebirge (in the Gliedererhof (also called the Brunner Heimathaus) at Leopold-Gattringer Straße 34, now hosting a Rudolf Steiner memorial)2nd place: The Goetheanum in Dornach near Basel I was around 28–29 years old when...
The event Time:  During the dayDate:   Late 1982 or early 1983Place:  My flat at Praterstraße 47/3/3/12, Vienna I was 26 years old. I suddenly saw a spiritual image: A white scene, a line of white water reeds. They were simple, broad-bladed reeds without any top bit. My eyes travelled along the line of reeds, from...
The event Time:  During the nightDate:   1st half of 1976Place:  My parental home on Merrie England Road, Korobosea, Port Moresby I was 19 years old. Harmie (my grandmother and Mum’s mother who was living in Australia) told Mum that she’d had a dream that I was going to take her home. When Mum told me...
The event Time:  During the nightDate:   1975Place:  My parental home on Merrie England Road, Korobosea, Port Moresby I was around 19 years old and living with Mum in Port Moresby. The topic of astral travelling was on our minds, because we knew Kath, who could remember her astral travels. (Kath also told us about her...
The event Time:  During the dayDate:   The summer of 1969 or 1970Place:  The YWCA at the top of Three Mile Hill, Boroko, Port Moresby I was 13 or 14 years old. I was playing tennis by myself in the sports hall, hitting the ball against the wall. Something made me turn around. I looked straight...
The events A few times I’ve received a piece of information, a truth, spoken by a voice that I heard with my spiritual ear. The voice was neutral, seemingly without gender. I don’t know if it was my own subconscious mind speaking to me, or if it was a separate entity. First time: I was...
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