Christ’s visit

The event

Time:  During the night
Date:   Between 9 June 1963 and 8 June 1964 (the 12 months in which I was seven)
Place:  My family’s home at 41 Ranfurlie Road, Forest Hill, Melbourne

I was seven years old. I was asleep in bed. I woke up to see a strange man standing in my bedroom. I lay in the bed rigid with fear. I wanted to call out to my mother but was too scared to make a sound or move a muscle. I suddenly realised that my breathing had changed, going from normal breathing when I was asleep to almost not breathing at all. I realised that the man, presumably a burglar, would hear how my breathing had changed and would know that I had woken up. This was a very dangerous situation for me. In desperation I started to take deep and even breaths, to give the impression that I was still asleep. You wouldn’t think that a seven-year old could think of such a thing, but let me tell you, a seven-year old can very well think of such a thing.

The seconds ticked by. Nothing happened. The man didn’t move. A minute or two went by. Still nothing happened. I began to relax; I couldn’t remain rigid forever. Slowly I started to become aware of a heavenly joy, very slight at first, that was coming to me from the man standing there. Very slowly the heavenly joy increased and then changed seamlessly into divine love. The divine love became greater and greater, until finally I was transformed by it. I ceased to exist as myself and became purely divine love.

I was in the presence of our greatest friend. I longed to get up, to wake up all my family members and to tell them, “Look who’s here!” This would have been the greatest thing that I have ever done — but I couldn’t do it. Why couldn’t I do it? Because my role in this event was purely passive. I wasn’t given the power to share it with anyone.

I was aware that the divine love was coming to me through this man, but not from Him. I returned all the love that I could possibly give, but the love I was returning was nothing compared to the love I was receiving.

I saw that divine love is complete. My seven-year old mind had no problem accepting the fact that God loves not only “good people” but also “bad people”. As a young child I had a jealous nature, and I should have been jealous during this event — this wonderful love should be for me alone; after all, I’m the only one taking part in this event. But God’s love wasn’t for me alone; it was for everyone. I felt no jealousy, and it surprised me.

I also saw that I wasn’t raised above the level of anyone else, not for one moment. I alone was filled with divine love, and yet I remained at the level of every other human soul.

Although it was dark, I could see what the man looked like. He was of average height and clean-shaven. He wore a suit. He looked the same as my father or any other man in the street.

Throughout the whole event the man didn’t move one time or say one word, and throughout the whole event I didn’t move one time or say one word.

I woke up in the morning. I had complete recall. I was very puzzled. I couldn’t understand why such a thing would happen to me at age seven. Why didn’t it wait until I was older, an adult? I decided not to tell anyone about it until I understood it better myself.

I got up and went to school. This shows that the day was a weekday.

Even at that young age it was clear to me that Christ hadn’t stood physically in my bedroom, and I hadn’t woken up in mind and body but only in mind. If my mother would have come into our bedroom during the night, she would have seen only her two daughters asleep in their beds — and nothing more.

Nineteen years later my mother was visiting me in Austria. I told her about the event. Mum listened to me attentively but made no comment. We never mentioned it again.

The takeaways

God’s love is complete. There’s no place where it doesn’t go and no person to whom it doesn’t go.

Christ is the channel through which we receive God’s love. God’s love doesn’t come from Christ, but rather through Him.

We can’t possibly return the love that we receive from God, and yet we continue to receive it.

No human soul is raised above the level of any other human soul (not while we’re human).


When this event happened I was a girl, seven years old, a member of the Anglican Church and living in Australia.

Thoughts and theories

My theory is that Christ’s visit was a latter-day Pentecost — that His visit took place at Pentecost in 1964. This was Whitsunday 17th May, one day before Whit-Monday (when I got up and went to school) and 22 days before I would turn eight.

What happened at the original Pentecost? The Holy Spirit descended upon 11 of Christ’s apostles. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues. My theory is that I, likewise, received the gift of tongues during Christ’s visit, but not consciously, so I have no memory of it. After this life is over and I’m in the spirit world, I will be able to use this gift of tongues, so my theory says.

Why did this visit happen? Although Christ spoke of this visit during His life, He didn’t give the reason for it. If He would have given the reason, I would be able to read it. Perhaps I’m not meant to read it. It occurs to me that future events might be able to answer this question, better than I have answered it today.

What is clear today is that the visit has to be a known event, otherwise Christ wouldn’t have mentioned it to His apostles. In mentioning it, He ensured that it would be known, although its purpose remains unknown.

Why did this happen when I was seven? Seven is the age of reason.

Was the timing right? Of course it was right. I have a theory about the rightness of the timing. It’s a multi-layered theory. I’d rather not share it.

Why did this happen to a girl and not a boy? I have a few theories. Here’s one of them: During Christ’s life, He chose only men as His apostles. Today, He would choose both men and women. So what is the role of an apostle today? Well, it’s a different role than it was 2000 years ago. I theorize that the role is to have significant spiritual experiences — like the ones I’ve had — and to report on them to people in the present day. The original role of the apostles was more worldly. Today if we had apostles, it would be more spiritual.

Why did this happen to someone in an Anglican family and not a Catholic family? Perhaps the Catholic Church wasn’t appropriate. The Catholics collaborated with the Nazis which, as far as I know, the Church of England didn’t do. My theory goes further, namely that the Church of England had to be created by that self-serving monarch, Henry VIII, because centuries later it would be needed for this event.

Why did this happen to a white person and not to a coloured person? I can’t answer that question, and I don’t think anyone can. But the question should be posed, as all questions should be posed. I realise that it might provoke a racist reply. The racist reply won’t be correct. Don’t post racist comments, readers — I will unpost them.

And why Australia? Australia has a short history with few atrocities. But then … why not New Zealand? An even better choice, in my opinion, but not the choice of the higher spirit world.

Christ said that He wanted John to wait until He comes. This isn’t a reference to me. Where was John in the 20th century? I have a private theory, and I’m sure that others will have theirs. Did John know in the present age that he or she was John? I would say that the answer is yes. Did I meet John? I think not.

Was Christ’s visit a unique event? During His life on earth, Christ didn’t make that clear.


As I say, when this event happened I was a girl, seven years old, a member of the Anglican Church and living in Australia. In later life I could have changed any or all of this. I could have changed my sex, changed my religion. I could have married and gotten divorced, had children. I could be in a same-sex marriage. I could live anywhere.

I changed only two things, my nationality and my country of residence. I’m not bound to the original criteria. They were essential only at the time of the event.

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29 days ago

Hi Rosemary,
Your website looks great and it looks like you have put lots of effort into it. I, however, appeal to you to get to know the real Jesus. Read the gospels. Most of the stuff on your page looks like new-age beliefs, not historical Christianity. You are so much into the spiritual, talking to spirits and levitating. The Bible is clear. A true follower of Jesus depends on the Holy Spirit wholly. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God.