Hand levitation

Hand levitation

Sometimes people relate to an historical person so strongly that they think they might have been that person.

I discovered a way you can use to find out if you were that person. It’s the hand levitation exercise, using a written list of names. I discovered this way quite by accident, like discovering penicillin. Here’s how it happened:

Back in the 1980s my mother attended José Silva’s course, The Silva Mind Control Method. She told us about it. One of the exercises in the course was hand levitation. I practised doing it myself for fun, with no goal in mind.

Some months later I was at home, reading. The radio was on. The title of a piece of music was announced. The title contained a person’s name, but I was paying no attention. I was reading. Without me noticing, my right arm started the hand levitation exercise. My arm raised itself up, my hand turned around and my forefinger pointed at me. My mind repeated the person’s name, with a slight variation. My arm and hand had by then stopped moving and were holding their position. I became aware of them, and then I noticed the name I had repeated to myself. I got the message clearly: My subconscious mind was showing me that I was that person.

I needed verification. In the months that followed I repeated the hand levitation exercise again and again. Each time, I wrote out a list of maybe eight names from history. Each time I used different names, but every list had that one name on it somewhere. The list was in front of me. I commenced the hand levitation exercise. Slowly I read through the names on the list. Each time, when I came to that particular name, my hand turned and my forefinger pointed at me.

It works for PLACES as well as people

We’re talking about real locations from real past lives.

[TEXT REMOVED] Sorry, people, I removed the text from here. I had typed up an account for this spot — my own account referring to my own past life of some 600 years ago — but then I removed it. It’s detailed, requires a lengthy explanation and would raise a whole bunch of questions in your minds. But for your information, the hand levitation exercise did work, also in this case.

Suffice it to say — if you think you lived in a particular building in a past life, write out a list of several buildings, include “your” building on that list, and do the hand levitation exercise. See what results you get.

How to do the hand levitation exercise?

You’ll be bombarding me with Contact forms, asking me how to do the exercise. I can’t tell you exactly. I used it back in the 1980s, a long time ago. I can only say, from memory, that it involves sitting at rest, placing the hands in the lap, allowing the subconscious mind to take over, letting one of your hands rise up of its own accord and move in an abstract fashion. That’s how I remember it. But you can probably find a better description on YouTube or in José Silva’s book about The Mind Control Method.

And before you start using hand levitation to get answers, you should get some practice using the exercise.

The bottom line

You can argue that hand levitation doesn’t absolutely prove that you were that person, or lived in that place. Myself, I think the proof is good enough. But that point is debatable.

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