Practical tips

Practical tips

Eau de Cologne is an odour neutralizer

Eau de Cologne neutralizes the odour of urine. Use it to get rid of cat pee, for example. You can daub it on clothing, mats, on anything. Another thing — elderly women should know about this tip. But we don’t need to speak more about that.

Write against a ruler

If you write against a ruler, it produces perfect printing. Very handy for writing labels, etc.

Wear a scrunchy on your wrist …

… when you’re washing your face and brushing your teeth. It stops the water from running down your arm.

Driving in a foreign country

Before your trip, arrange with a driving school in that foreign country to have a double driving lesson. This will give you all the confidence and knowledge you require to drive in that country.

Look at people’s hair

Do you want to notice what people look like without staring at them? Don’t look at their face, look at their hair. If you look at their hair, you see the entire bust of that person. You notice what they look like. I discovered this trick at work. One day I realised that I didn’t know what my colleagues’ hair looked like, or even the colour of their hair. So I started to look purposefully at their hair. Then I realised, by doing this, that I was noticing the entire bust of the person, and this was more effective than looking at their face.

I used this trick when travelling to work on the Vienna metro. I wanted to pay attention to the people in the train carriage, but I didn’t want to look directly at them, because they realised I was looking at them and they didn’t like it. So I started looking at their hair; I noticed what they looked like, and not one person realised I was looking at them.

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