Re-living an episode from a past life

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Momentary experiences > Re-living an episode from a past life

The event

Time:  During the night
Date:   Mid-June 1979
Place:  My flat at Praterstraße 47/3/3/12, Vienna

This event followed immediately the “taking on” of my spiritual body from the short life that I lived in a fortified building on a hill. This event happened later in the same night.

I had gone to asleep. I woke up in mind, possibly also in body. I found myself hallucinating, that is to say, seeing something happening in front of my eyes that was not actually happening in the here and now.

I was that small child again, the earlier me, around five years old. I was in my bedroom of that previous lifetime. The room was ornately furnished.

I, the small child, had woken up. It was dark. Coming toward me slowly, soundlessly, was an adult. The adult was all clothed up, so that I couldn’t see any face. I realised immediately that the adult was coming toward me with intent to kill me. I screamed. The adult hesitated, stopped, didn’t know what to do next. I realised that screaming was the only way I could protect myself, my only shield. I drew the deepest possible breath and let out the longest, loudest scream that I could manage.

That was the end of the hallucination. It ended there. But although I didn’t see anything that followed, I know I didn’t die. The adult must have run away, because I didn’t die.

I couldn’t identify the adult, but I rather think it might have been a woman, not a man.

I didn’t remember this event; I re-lived it. While I was re-living it, I was well aware of this present life, of my present self, my present couch-bed in which I was lying. I knew that the hallucination was a replay that wasn’t actually happening today. So my two selves were present: My 5-year old self from the past was very frightened, but my 23-year old self in the present day wasn’t.

The takeaways

Re-living is different from remembering. You can only re-live an event if you’ve lived it once already. And if you do re-live it, then you know the event really did happen.


I already knew about this past life from the two “true dreams”, as Joan Grant calls them, that I had in Port Moresby and in London. I don’t discuss my true dreams on this website, as they’re more psychic events, rather than spiritual events.

Once again, only a very strong trigger can prompt such a re-living experience. The strong trigger was a person who had come into my environment in mid-June 1979. The person, whom I got to know later, was not responsible for the harm done to me in that previous life.

Thoughts and theories

I think re-living is a very rare experience. In my own life, I’ve only done it on this one occasion. Remembering, on the other hand, is quite common.

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