Receiving a “blessing from above”

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Momentary experiences > Receiving a “blessing from above”

The event

Time:  During the day
Date:   A clear day in January 2020
Place:  The field road on the hill above Sieggraben, Burgenland

I was walking on the field road that goes over the hill. There’s a lot of open sky up there. I paused and looked up. I became aware of something spiritual descending from the clear sky in front of me. It was descending onto me. I was receiving a blessing. I stood there. I did nothing more.

The takeaway

“Blessings from above” can simply refer to rain, an everyday saying. But a blessing can also be spiritually bestowed from above.

Thoughts and theories

One month later I bought a new car. I thought, “This is a wonderful thing, a new car” — but I knew the blessing I’d received didn’t refer to that!

At that time, no blessing in my day-to-day life was apparent.

Later in the year, on 24 September 2020, I visited the “house of the Virgin Mary” on Mt. Koressos. Nine days after that, on 3 October, I had a fork lightning experience (see next topic). I theorize that the fork lightning experience was the blessing, which was heralded nine months earlier when I was walking over the hill.

I theorize that these three events receiving a blessing from above, visiting the Virgin Mary House and the fork lightning are all connected.

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