Revealing the soul’s stature

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Major events > Revealing the soul’s stature

The event

Time:  During the day
Date:   1985
Place:  A conference room in the C-Tower of the VIC, Vienna

I was 28 or 29 years old. I was sitting in an armchair in the conference room. I was there to watch a Russian film being screened by the VIC Russian Club. A co-worker saw me and joined me, sitting in the armchair next to me.

We made eye contact. I felt exposed (something that I don’t need to explain). I shuddered in spirit, not physically. And then — provoked into this because of my discomfiture — I took a step backwards into the 19th century and into my past life. My step backwards was visible to my co-worker. I took another step backwards into my earlier past life, and then another step backwards into my yet earlier life. I did this four times, I think. Every time I took a step backwards, I accumulated the spiritual stature gained from that lifetime. The accumulation of stature was visible, and my co-worker could see it.

I would have continued taking steps backwards and accumulating ever more stature, but my co-worker looked away very suddenly. He couldn’t continue making eye contact, because by then my soul’s stature was so great that the sight of it would have crushed him had I taken one more step backward. So our eye contact stopped abruptly and I ceased to take steps backward.

I myself could “see” my stature without any danger of getting crushed.

The takeaway

With each physical incarnation, our human soul gains stature. An old human soul has immeasurable stature.

We don’t get crushed by the sight of our own stature. If we see someone else’s, we would be crushed. It’s imperative to look away.


There is a background here. I don’t think we knew one another in a recent past lifetime, but yet we seem to have a connecting bond, probably through circumstances that existed in the past.

Thoughts and theories

How could this happen? This amazing event was made possible because of the review of all past lifetimes that I had when I was a teenager. Fifteen years later, that spiritual event enabled me to have this one — involuntarily to take a step backwards and to keep on taking steps backwards.

Was this a mutual event? No. My co-worker couldn’t take steps backwards and show his own accumulated stature, because he’s never had the spiritual experience of consciously reviewing his past lifetimes. Also, he didn’t feel exposed by our close eye contact, as I did.

Why did this happen? Why indeed! My co-worker would likely have spoken of this event to others … people in the right quarters, say. He would have made the event known. He was in a position to give an independent account.

This event exposed the accumulating stature of a human soul. It applies to all human souls. But if no-one sees that stature, no-one will know about it. This is the reason for both those spiritual events — the complete review that I had when I was a teenager, and the exposure of my stature 15 years later in a conference room.

It’s a staggering thought. The huge — and possibly unique — experience I had of the total review of all lifetimes only happened so that my soul’s stature could be exposed for a few seconds to another person many years later. Why does the higher spirit world want this? Is it because the knowledge of the soul’s stature should be shared, first by my co-worker, later by me, so that other people can learn about it?

Will it happen again? No, I don’t think so. No matter whom I sit next to, no matter with whom I make eye contact — I don’t think this will happen again.

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