Reviewing all past lifetimes lived as a human soul

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Major events > Reviewing all past lifetimes lived as a human soul

The event

Time:  During the night
Date:  1970
Place:  My grandmother’s home at 2 Gosford Road, Broadmeadow, Newcastle (the house no longer exists).

I was 14 years old (or perhaps 13). I was asleep in bed. I came to consciousness in mind, although not in body, and found myself raised to a heavenly state. I was without an ego. There was no spiritual entity present.

I was in a round place, with round walls, like a well. I was at the top of the well, and this top place was full of light. I began to spiral slowly downwards. I saw my most recent past projected onto the wall of the well. I saw every single thing that I had said and done in that past and every single thing that had been said and done to me. I got the impression that every full turn, spiralling downwards, contained one lifetime. Continuing, I came to the next life down and likewise saw everything. I continued my journey downwards, moving seamlessly from one past life to the one before that, and always at the same rate, never speeding up or slowing down. It took no effort on my part; I wasn’t moving under my own muscle power but was rather being moved, as if on a stream of air.

I went down very, very deep passing many, many lifetimes. It was getting darker as I went down. I was entirely passive, not reacting to what I saw with any emotion or with any thought. It didn’t occur to me to count the lifetimes or the span of years that they covered.

I spiralled slowly down to the bottom of the well, to my very first lifetime as a human soul. I could see the flat floor at the bottom of the well; it looked like a smooth stone floor. I couldn’t see beneath the floor. It was very dark down there. Our souls are shrouded in darkness at the beginning of our series of human lifetimes.

At that point, my conscious mind went back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning. I had complete recall of the spiritual event, but I couldn’t bring back with me a single detail of what I had seen in any of my lifetimes. Not one detail.

Although I can’t recall any detail of those lifetimes, I’m aware of a savagery right down at the bottom, in the first, say, three lifetimes, and I got the impression that those first three lifetimes were male. I’m not saying I could count those lifetimes, but they looked like about three. These aren’t theories — they don’t belong down below under Thoughts and theories — they’re a part of the event itself, my being aware of savagery and getting the impression of maleness in the first few lifetimes.

On waking, I had three questions: Did this total review of my past start with my last lifetime, or did it start with the yesterday of this lifetime (because that’s my most recent past)? Did I view everything in the original languages or was everything rendered into English? How many lifetimes were there?

I have never figured out the answers to these questions.

The takeaway

We live many, many lifetimes — both as men and women. Our souls gradually become enlightened.


Before this event happened, I already knew I had lived a past lifetime. From very early childhood up to age 10, I could remember the facades of buildings where I had lived “before”.

Thoughts and theories

The heavenly state was necessary because it freed me of my ego. Without an ego, I could witness all the bad without being destroyed and all the good without being glorified. How long did it take, to see every single thing? In earthly time, it would take a thousand years! But I was on a spiritual plane where time is thought not to exist, so perhaps it took no more than the twinkling of an eye.

Why did this happen? For 15 years I had no idea why it had happened. Then something occurred, a spiritual moment shared with another person, that made it clear why it had happened. That spiritual moment is described in “Revealing the soul’s stature”.

Why is it so dark at the bottom? We haven’t had any experiences. We haven’t developed any conscience. Our souls aren’t enlightened.

Do we all start our series of human lifetimes as males? Perhaps. Interesting thought.

I theorize that we live several lifetimes as one gender, before turning into the other gender and living several lifetimes as that gender. This is probably because one lifetime isn’t long enough for us to have all the experiences that we need to have at that stage and in that gender. This alternating series goes on and on, getting repeated many times.

Was this total review a unique experience? Almost no spiritual experience will be unique. I tell myself, “It happens to one person, once, every one thousand years.” And it won’t happen without a purpose.

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