The presence of death surrounding my car

spiritual-encounters > Part 1 – My Encounters > Less major events > The presence of death surrounding my car

The event

Time:  During the day
Date:   Probably in early 2007
Place:  A country road in the province of Burgenland and a small town, probably Unterfrauenhaid (from memory)

I was 50 years old. I was out on a day’s drive on the country roads of Burgenland. From one moment to the next, I became aware of the presence of death. It seemed to be around the car. It wasn’t a strong presence but clearly detectable. I was momentarily puzzled, but it didn’t last long and it passed from my mind. I kept heading down the road.

A minute later the presence of death returned, but this time it was very strong. The presence of death is unmistakeable. You don’t need an introduction. The presence was like a bubble surrounding my car.

I couldn’t make head or tail of it. I thought, “Death has come back! What does it mean?! Am I going to die?! Or is someone else going to die?!” — (not quite so critical). I looked around at the road, the fields. No other vehicle. I thought it most unlikely that I was going to have an accident. I wondered whether I should stop, but I kept driving, and the presence of death stayed with me.

Shortly afterwards I came to a small town. I drove into it and around the corner, and what did I come to? A funeral procession … a long line of people dressed in dark clothes, slowly crossing the road toward the churchyard on the left, with a policeman stopping the traffic (just me).

By this time the presence of death had left me. I continued driving, all questions answered.

The takeaway

Death is a neutral entity, neither good nor bad. It’s not threatening or frightening. It can’t be seen or heard, smelt, tasted or felt, but it’s clearly discernible. Death is instantly recognizable.



Thoughts and theories

Normally at a funeral we can’t detect the presence of death, although the spirit of the person who has passed away is with us. That I should detect death so strongly tells me that the veil must have been very thin on that day.

I have a charming theory. I think the person who had died had joined me in the car, probably sitting in the front seat. He or she was enjoying the drive into their town.

Did the person who had died realise that I could detect the presence of death? I can’t say, but probably not.


Ever since then I’ve kept my front passenger seat free. I put objects on the floor, but I try to keep the seat free. You never know if someone might join you. Complete strangers can join us, if we’re driving into their town and they’ve just died. Our family members who have passed away can join us. Deceased colleagues can join us. We don’t always detect the presence of death; the veil is not always thin.

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